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A member registered Mar 14, 2020

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It's a ps1 style game with a fixed map, very limited entities, so in my opinion anything down  to a core 2 duo/amd xp, 4gb ram, and a really old video card/display adapter from back then would run this game.  If your computer is a few years old  it will run this game very flawlessly. 

When is there going to be an update? Awesome game!

Is it possible to change the pictures themselves? i want the dangerous pictures to be toyota corollas or honda civics or toyota celicas

When will there be an update? no rush just wondering.

Nice game! I have some ideas for you.

1. There should be some custom game options like number of customers, rudeness of customers, boxes per  aisle, how big the store is, more employees in the store, time to complete, etc. Or to make it easier, there should be different difficulty settings. Easy,  Normal  (what this is already), hard, extreme, impossible.

2. The aisles should be more customized to that particular aisle, like the clothing aisle is. 

3. If you stand still or move very little for 5 seconds when your not stocking, you get 1 strike.  When you get 3 strikes, your fired.

4. There  should be a story mode to the game (the mode that the game currently is could be a practice mode, with the settings I mentioned earlier) and the difficulty of the game increases. Lets say for the sake of  discussion, the game takes place in August (retail stores are  very early to the holidays). Later levels could have more customers, ruder customers, etc.

Hope these ideas make it into the game!

Its just under 2 dollars... Fix your life then buy this game.

Here is a recommendation. Make different settings where you can change different settings like how many boxes you need to  restock, ability to  run away from customers and lose them, different maps, different store  types/layouts, randomly generated aisles, how many customers there are, how nice  or mean they are,  etc. Also port the game to Consoles, macs,  and Linux. You have a very nice game here as it is! Also make a much higher graphical quality game for a  little more money charged to us, maybe a dollar or 3 more. Make this game 2 dollars flat, and make  the higher graphical quality game 4-5 dollars or something.